Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 22: its starting to look like summer

My hopes are starting to get up as the temperature goes up, and the stormy clouds lift. I'm sure even if I doesn't rain or snow one single day in June leading up to my wedding, I'll still be nervous about it the day before because I really would like it to NOT rain on our wedding day. Even though my photographer is amazing and talented and can work with any situation, my hair isn't as versatile and frizzy hair isn't really my ideal look. Oh well!

So to explain about yesterday-Jared was grumpy, which made me grumpy. Mom was stressed, which made me stressed. I was bored, which only left me to focus on those two emotions. Sorry for the outburst.

But you'll be happy to know today was filled with a bunch of moments where I stopped and thought, "I'm so grateful I'm alive and today is today." First I woke up without an alarm-clock. Not normally my favorite but I prayed for it because I couldn't find my phone when I was climbing into bed, and I was picking up a friend of a friend at the Greyhound station today and couldn't be late. I was in fact early. Go me. The fact that the Lord still sees fit to grant me some tender mercies even when I was totally difficult yesterday makes me feel good.

I then went and got ready for this before mentioned person I was picking up, because I was pretty gross. I got ready to Tim McGraw's 'Greatest Hits' CD, and his 'Live Like You Were Dying' CD. I may not be a country girl (at all) but I still love to sing to it with the best hick accent that I can muster while I'm doing my hair. This also made me smile. Mainly thinking about what Jer's going to do when he witnesses this for the first time once were married.

As I was getting ready I found a new favorite perfume I thought had gone missing, and smiled because I was glad I got to wear it. And then I put on the Smashbox blush that Sephora was selling for only $5 last week. Come on, how can getting an amazing product for a steal, not get any make-up loving girl to smile?

Then I found a pair of Vigoss jeans that had been hidden in the back of my closet since high school, and guess what? They still fit! That definitely made me smile.

And as we all know (or so my roommate Sasha told me which she learned from her psychology class) smiling changes your brain chemistry, releasing something like endorphins, and endorphins make you happy, and happy women just don't kill their husbands. Jer will be so glad!

And then I drove into SLC, and the sun was out and the birds were chirping, and I got to go to Cafe Rio (my absolute favorite) for lunch. And then I made this wonderful Dr. Pepper Chocolate Cake, all from scratch and took it to Jared's impromptu neighborhood BBQ and every single person who ate it told me how DELICIOUS it was. And it made me smile, because I actually made a recipe the very first time without ruining it!

I was walking on clouds today. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!

1 comment:

Katie A. said...

so I think I'm going to need some of that cake.