Sunday, December 19, 2010

identity lost...

So, this weekend has been crazy. I worked a ton. Took a lot of stuff out of my backpack after semester was over, put some of it in my purse. Including my wallet. Took my wallet with me to work friday night. Not sure if it got home...

I think I had it Saturday morning....but I can't exactly remember since I worked 18 of the last 24 hours and my brain literally is mush....oh dear. I didn't find out it wasn't in my purse until I went to get a Dr. P on break today and had no way to pay for it.

Hubby and I have both ransaked the apt. looking for it today, I've called twice into work to see if I left it there, and I've also looked in every nook and cranny in my luck.

I keep having the worst possible scenarios going through my mind, like what if...

1. I left it on top of my car when I scrapped the snow off friday night and left it on top of my car? Its possible seeing as I've been very scatterbrained since semester ended. And what if it dropped off in the street and someone stole everything important out of it?

2. Or I left it at a Target, or Roberts arts and crafts? Would someone be nice enough to hand it in and the store just happens to be closed today so they couldn't get ahold of me to let me know where it is?

3. Or I'm just being an idiot and its somewhere in the concaves of my purse...I swear I've searched at least four times now. It's not there, I promise.

So basically that means my identity is temorarily lost, possibly stolen (I really hope not). Sometimes I REALLY wished things like my phone, keys, and wallet had gps attachments so I could locate them when needed. Here's to hoping and praying I find it soon!


Jamie said...

Keep hope up! Like I've said a million times I thought my ring was gone forever. Stay patient and keep looking...what an awful thing to happen so close to Christmas. You'll figure it out!

Mrs. W said...

awww, man that stinks! hope you find it soon!