Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So, I lied. I'm cheating on my finals resolution to not blog. But I'll do it fast so its like nothing happened. Sure. Anyways, throughout all my studying, late nights, and (super) early mornings, headaches, and neck cramps from looking at my computer for too long I have had 1000 things come into my head that I want to get done after finals once I'm free. A quickee little list...

Transplant mint from dad's garden
thrift some colorful pants and re-do them like my cute cousin
do yoga and get my namaste on
go running and start training for my 5K in May
make cookies
play and cuddle with my adorable pooch Adi
get a tan 
read hunger games again
see This Means War
sleep in
pack for Hawaii!

doesn't that face just scream, "come play!"?

That last one is seriously what is getting me through this week of h.e. double hockey sticks. Now I will apply my brain back to Freyette's laws, hip rotation values, the culture of the Bushmen, and pulling my hair out - it's become a new fad if you didn't know, you should jump on the bandwagon.  

Only two days left!

1 comment:

Emily said...

So jealous you get to go to Hawaii again!! good luck with finals!