Sunday, April 25, 2010

Picnic's and bugs

This past Saturday Jer and I went to Antelope Island and were going to go on a short bicycle ride before having a picnic. Well that was the plan. Before the bugs came though. It must have just been the season or something but they were everywhere and after one short trip out of the truck I was not getting out for anything. It was still pretty, but I strongly dislike bugs and wasn't subjecting myself to that.

It was really cool driving around looking at the animals and scenary. We just ate the picnic in the truck, but the bugs ruined our plan to go bicycle riding. Hopefully when it gets warmer we can do it again but in a different location so as to avoid bugs. Because I can't stand bugs.

Besides the bugs it was a very lovely time, and watching the sunset was very romantic. It's nice to be home and having lots of time to spend with Jer!

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