Friday, September 02, 2011

Cone of Shame

The end of August marked Adi's six month mark which meant time for her to get her little women organs taken out. Sadly Jared had to work the morning of her appointment, which meant it was left up to me to take her and pick her up.

We were lucky enough to find the Orem County Spay and Neuter Clinic, who for the month of August had a special of only $40 for lab mixes to be fixed. This really was an amazing help to us because a normally vet would have charged around $200, which we couldn't really afford at all.

I had to drop her off by seven in the morning which was hard for me to get her there on time and then I had to wait around until one to pick her up. I spent the entire day worrying about if she'd be ok, but of course everything turned out perfectly. Well as perfectly as it could have gone.

I brought home a very sore, scared, and tired little puppy. The general anesthesia wore off by the next morning and she started eating then as well. But unfrotuantely as she woke up, she started becoming aware of her stitches, and liking them.

The bad thing about it all is that the stitches are water soluble. So slobber and her stitches were a bad combination. So I had to stop by Petco and get her this little decoration...

...and she hates hates HATES it. So we've restricted to only making her wear it when we're not home and during the night when we can't stop her from licking it.

I'll be glad when her wound is completely healed up by next friday.

Happy Friday!

p.s. she's super clumsy with it on...and we can't help but laugh. How mean is that?


Amanda C. said...

Poor thing, that looks just pitiful.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Awww this is so cute. Poor thing!