Saturday, May 28, 2011

Favorite Photo {5.22-5.28}

As I'm getting more and more into the photographer's world, I decided it only made sense to get some tips, advice, and lovin' from fellow photographers on my pictures. I found this great weekly contest to submit photographs where people vote and such...which I love because it gets me more exposure, and helps me see how I can improve. And who doesn't love that?!

I just love how you can see the fresh raindrops glistening on the petals. I had been waiting patiently for the rain to stop, and when it did, I booked it outside in my sweats and nasty ponytail to get some quick photos. I just love how this turned out!

p.s. I ordered one of these last night...I can't wait to get to try it out, so please let me know if you want some photos taken, bridal, expectancy, newborn, family, etc. I'd love to take more!



Jane Nicholls said...

The red and the green really pop in this photo.

Bailey and Chris said...

How much do you charge? Chris and I never got engagements done and I would like to. We are going to be in Utah in July.

nat said...

I love that hot pink! And the drops help make the picture, too.

Carrie said...

Pretty flower photo. Way to be determined to capture this as soon as the rain stopped!