Monday, May 03, 2010

Memoirs of Max

Today my family made a really painful decision. But it was definitely the right thing to do. It was the best act of love we could give to him, and he was ready to go. He could barely stand up and had to be carried to go bathroom. After we buried him under the willow tree in our backyard we went to run some errands because I couldn't stay home and look at the spot where he always used to lay. While we were out we shared our favorite stories of him throughout the years. We all recounted memories of him chasing balls, cuddling with us, nuzzling us with his wet nose, and being my shadow all throughout childhood. Its been a hard day, but I'm starting to get some closure. It's going to take some time to get used to him being gone, but I'll always remember all the wonderful times we had, and scratching his ears.

I love my play mate and will always remember the wonderful 12 years I had with him. It'll be really hard to find any dog comparable when me and Jer start looking for a puppy in a couple years. Props to Jer for coming to the vet with us today, while he held me while I held Max while they put him down. I love him and will miss him terribly.

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